chris cornell
naughty dolls
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06/06/2004 Entry: "Sunday"
How I spent my day:
Woke up a bit after 10 a.m.
Ate breakfast tacos that Zack made.
Spent many hours working on a new layout for this site that I'll probably never use.
Downloaded about 25 Incubus videos. I blame her.
Took a two hour bath. Made a solemn promise to myself that when we buy a house I'll equip it with the biggest frigging hot water heater ever made.
Made sandwiches for dinner. Ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onions on Texas toast.
Lamented the fact that I ran out of vodka yesterday.
Made a mental note to buy more vodka tomorrow.
And orange juice.
That's it. That was my day. The partay never ends in the Salinas household. Betcha.
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