Shannon Hoon, RIP

About me:
name: suzie
age: 30
height: 5'9"
weight: 130
hair: red
eyes: brown
status: happily married
kids: two dogs
location: Texas
religion: Pagan
jobby-job: truck driver
fetish: Converse

tv: Smallville, SNL
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Travis Pastrana

Quake 3

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04/09/2002 Entry: "flying solo"

well i meant to make a post last night. i had it all written up and ready to go, but our internet connection was down so ... i'm making last night's post right now:

monday, april 8

yeah, so here i sit ... my fourth full glass (and i'm not kidding when i say 'full glass') of coke & bourbon of the night in one hand and my guitar in the other. actually i sat my guitar down two minutes ago so i could type this. rest assured though, my bourbon is still in my left hand. woe is me ...

suzie's out of town for three weeks (read "forever") and the best i can do is play for 30 minutes before i can't feel my fingers anymore. sure i haven't played in quite a while but when i was a teenager and was feeling all of that teen angst/depression, it seems as though i could play for several bluesy hours at a time. have i really aged this quickly? goddamn that jonny lang. i mention him, not just because i'm listening to him right now and he's been kicking my ass for about an hour, but because he's such a damn good blues guitarist. i highly recommend his cd 'Wander This World'. actually i recommend any of his music because he's a badass but whatever ...

damn the youngbucks.

i spoke with suzie over the phone a couple of times today and she said that she may not be gone for three full weeks afterall. apparently there's a chance that she may be home later this week. i can only hope. i've resolved to psych myself out that she will be because not only do i miss her like everything already, our dogs (zoe and squeak) have started staring at me like i'm a juicy fillet mignon. or is it the other way around? the world may never know. let's hope not anyway because it may get messy and i may end up missing a couple of limbs.

so after i left her at her mom & dad's house on sunday morning i drove home, all-the-while talking to the dogs in my lap telling them how mommy (suzie) will be home before they know it and how dad (me) will take care of them completely in the meantime. i was hoping that i pulled it off okay, but apparently squeak (the youngest) wasn't conviced.

now for the record, squeak is mommy's dog and zoe is mine. that seems to be the way it turned out, anyway. so i walk up the stairs and into the apartment, closing the door behind me. as i walked to the fridge to grab some cold green tea to drink i only noticed the sound of one set of puppy footsteps walking behind me in the kitchen. sure enough, it was zoe. that didn't surprise me too much, not just because she followed me (as she always does) but because she followed the sound of a refrigerator opening up, as do i. smart dog. but i was wondering where our little girl, squeak, was. so i peeked around the corner and there she was ... sitting by the front door looking up towards the doorknob like she didn't understand why suzie wasn't walking through behind her. i tried reasoning with the little pup, but she wasn't having it. she decided to actually lay down in front of the door for about 10 minutes before i could convince her to come and eat. she didn't seem to comprehend that i walked through the door and suzie didn't .. the poor thing. suzie spoke to her over the phone yesterday for a few minutes. squeak wagged her tail like there was no tomorrow and layed her ears back and sniffed the phone pretty thoroughly but i don't think she grasped what was going on.

anyway, i'll do my best to fill the shoes that i've been left. hopefully it won't be for as long as we've been told. in the meantime bear with me. and no, i don't use capital letters when i type. except in legal documents, and even then it's not a guarantee.



Replies: 7 comments

*sniffle* poor squeak and poor z. *hugs* i hope she comes back this week. you're such a good hubby.

Posted by redsugar @ 04/09/2002 07:06 PM CST


yeah ... we're lonely. *sigh*

Posted by -Z @ 04/10/2002 08:49 AM CST

You could always play with Suzie's Michael Jackson doll to cheer you up. :) For the pup, try taking a shirt of hers thats in the hamper and let her lay on it. It will smell like suzie and might calm squeak down a bit.

Posted by MemoryandDream @ 04/10/2002 11:09 AM CST

heheh ...

i could do that but (believe it or not) she took her micheal jackson doll with her. :)

that shirt idea is a good one, i'm going to try that. thanks!

Posted by -Z @ 04/10/2002 11:28 AM CST

That (shirt) idea is neat. tell me if it works.

Posted by That Damn Jim Guy @ 04/11/2002 08:59 PM CST

it worked like a charm. i grabbed a pair of her flannel sleep pants and put them on the futon where suzie sits and squeak hopped up and sniffed around a little and then pawed at them (looked like she was fluffing a pillow) then spun around a few times until she found a good spot to land. she's been sleeping on them. when i put the girls to bed i put the sleep pants in with them and squeak lays on them. that was a really good idea.

Posted by -Z @ 04/12/2002 08:46 AM CST

Yeah! :) Glad it helped.

Posted by MemoryandDream @ 04/12/2002 12:37 PM CST

Add a new comment, dahling.


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