chris cornell
naughty dolls
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11/22/2001 Entry: "Vegas, baby!"
I left at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon to drive to Calhoun, GA. I got back to Dallas (a bit over 800 miles each way) at midnight last night. Supertrucker. Thassssss right.
I forgot to bring my camera with me. Not that I ever actually get film developed. But I do love to take pictures. I found the third most beautiful cemetery I've ever seen in Calhoun. I spent about 15 minutes wandering around it yesterday morning. It wasn't very big, maybe an acre and a half. They (whoever they are who decide where to put cemetaries) built it on a hillside. It's bizarre, because you can easily imagine the coffins laying at a slant so the people inside are almost standing. There are HUGE trees covered in ivy throughout the place. Huge compared to Dallas trees, anyway. Very little grass... mostly dirt and leaves on the ground. Very creative and old gravestones. Many fake flowers and a few deflated balloons are spots of colour. I'm wanting a digital camera so I'll have no excuse to post images of things like this. Oh well. I'm probably going back next week some time, so I'll get pics then.
Tomorrow... tomorrow IS Friday, right? Between Zack's surgery and my driving I've lost track of what day it is. Yes, TOMORROW, I'm flying to Las Vegas at 3 something in the afternoon. We're picking up trucks there on Monday morning, so I'll get a freebie weekend in Vegas to do whatever. That's one of the perks of this job. Not only do I get to drive instead of work in a cubicle, I get to reap the rewards of my boss' thriftiness. If she gets cheaper tickets a couple of days (usually a weekend because truck places are only open Monday through Friday) before we pick up a truck I get a free mini vacation. She pays for everything out on the road, but our meals. Plus I get frequent flyer points.
So this weekend it'll be me and four senior citizens, partying like it's 1949 in Vegas. I'm bringing my laptop with me, so I'll be checking in from the hotel.
Vegas, baby!
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