chris cornell
naughty dolls
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10/19/2001 Entry: "domain renewal - not moving - JBME"
Ok, we're not moving (yet). It's for the best that we didn't go, but I'm still disappointed. I want to move up north. We'll be in Dallas until the end of the year, anyway. *sigh*
I renewed my domain last night. I shelled out $189 and it's mine until October 29th, 2010. Nine frigging years. I'll be 36 before I have to renew it again. Daaaaaamn.
Zack bought a Sun box Sparc station thingy. He's all over Solaris. Is that a reason for him to not update his website? No.
Now, along with Flash, I'm learning some css stuff. Thanks for the help, Candi. :) I'm working on it.
Tobasco goes with many things, but split pea soup is not one of them. Yeeeeuck.
Speaking of Tobasco:
Mullets... a terrible concept.
I'm such a television whore as of late. I'll post some of my Roswell Max/Michael slash pictures soon.